get all things of the authenticated user
HTTP Method
Try in the explorerParameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
perPage | number | no | sets the things per page |
page | number | no | specifies the page number |
archived | string | no | leave it out if you don't want archived things. use "only" if you want only archived things (only when specified separately) |
tag | string | no | filter things by this tag |
search | string | no | search things for this string |
{ "_id": "alphanumeric id of the thing", "title": "title of the thing", "tags": "space separated tags of the thing", "date": "unixtime when the thing was created", "url": "url of the thing, only included if it is set", "html": "the html resp. note of the thing, only included if it is set", "archived": "true, only set when it is an archived thing", "todoStatus": "true or false, only if thing is a todo (through a special tag)" }